International Investment General Trading Ltd. Service We aim to provide where possible, investment in social and/or cultural facilities and services that inject often-needed capital with flexible conditions. Our group understands that public funds are continuously in demand and locked up for long periods, overburdening the public sector. International Investment General Trading Ltd has access to…
Mission & Vision
International Investment General Trading Ltd., is looking for a secure revenue base, well-located assets with excellent tenants, reliable revenue, and above-average returns. Importantly, we are looking for a strong and assured potential to increase the capital value of any strategic and economically sustainable asset acquisition over the long term. Acquisition Philosophy In Real Estate I…
Khaleel Hussain Junaidi M.A, L.L.M, CEO & Managing Director Martens CTO & Director (Holland) (Investments & Projects) Hazel Stevens Director (Middle East Africa) Albert Ojalvo Director (Caucasus Region/Turkey) Hilda Tara Director (Switzerland/EU) Urvishi Maharak Director (APAC/India) Partha Mukherjee Principal Consultant Brijesh Sharma Principal Consultant Gabriel Saver Pereira Executive director – Global region Mrs. SALMA…
International Investment General Trading Ltd Investment Strategy International Investment General Trading Ltd. Can be considered to represent and manage investment funds, in a broad range of assets, such as property development, infrastructure and utilities projects, and sustainable energy resources. The benefactors are private sector investors, seeking to purchase medium and long-term, conservative-yielding assets that provide…
Infrastructure Development
Asset types Our group seeks passive income there for our interest is wide and incorporates the following: Utilities & Infrastructure and Large scale land development Property –office, industrial, retail, residential Airport facilities / Aircraft Highways Telecommunications Railway infrastructure/ Railway stations Railway carriages Vineyards Theme parks Government buildings & facilities Hospitals Police Stations Universities / Schools…
Contact Us
Head Office Belgium International Office CHAUSSEE SAINT-PIERRE-164 01 Avant, 1040 ETTERBEEK, Brussels, BELGIUM Tel:+322 850 5316 Fax:+322 850 8314 Mobile: +32 479 754 832 Email: iigt.belgium786@gmail.com For Business Operations:info@iigtl-group.com WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATE OFFICE CONTACTS Middle East / Africa Big Bay Investment Group Dubai Office: Tel: +971 4456 6805 Mobile: +97150282 0416 South Africa Office: Tel: +272…
Imperial Petroleum Lao Public Company Phonesavanh Sypaseut General Director of Imperial Petroleum Laos Company at Imperial petroleum Laos CO. ltd Registered Office: Phontong Road, Chommany Village, Xaysettha District, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R, Email: sypaseut.phonesavanh@yahoo.com Dr.Waleed A. Mansour …
About Us

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